Friday, March 21, 2014

Criminal complaint said the teen "knowingly enters

Criminal complaint said the teen "knowingly enters , and in the construction and real property on which the siege is still illegal , and other enclosed
design , exclude intruders way ; defendant knowingly enter and stay illegally in the premises ."
When he was detained , Casquejo have a camera and a phone , Pentangelo said. Warrants have been secured , and the contents of these devices to monitor,
establish a motive Casquejo alleged trespassing . The investigation continues as to whether the authority for review Casquejo property elsewhere.
" Violations of safety and we take these types very seriously and will prosecute offenders , " Joe Dunne , Chief Security Officer Port Authority said in a
statement . "We will continue to re- evaluate our security posture of the site, and are constantly working to make this site as safe as possible ."
Reporters tried to contact Casquejo was unsuccessful, but in his Twitter page , he posted a lot of photos himself in various high- altitude areas - hanging
cranes , standing on the roof - and the movement of a free-running type about parkour , which includes lectures obstacle courses , running , climbing and
According to the prosecutor's office in Manhattan , Casquejo being arraigned on charges of crimes against the third degree , a misdemeanor punished by
imprisonment of up to three months , one count of illegal intrusion, the violation is punishable by a maximum released without bail 15 days imprisonment.
Pamela Griffith , Casquejo 's lawyer declined to comment.
World Trade Center is the tallest building in the United States , defeated the Willis Tower in Chicago in November.
When completed, it is expected that this year's skyscrapers , is expected as the world's third tallest building , the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the Royal
Mecca Clock Tower in Mecca , Saudi Arabia after .

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